Thursday, April 19, 2012


Tic toc goes the clock.  Yeah, yeah I know I am dating myself when begin to talk about the sound a clock makes as it denotes the passing of time.  These days luminescent digital numbers change quickly, silently on our phones or I-pads, and time marches on almost without notice.  I notice though, maybe all of us who are on the downside of forty notice.  I am made all to aware of the fact that I am getting to the point where I have more fishing to do than time left to do it in, so today when I spotted open water on one of the city resevoirs for the first time, that desire to wet a line became ever more fervent!

Because I am currently working at the water treatment plant on the resevoir I was able to walk down to the base of the dam, and it was down there where the river begins again that I saw a nice hatch of blue wing olives coming off.

This weekend the temperatures are supposed to climb high enough to at least give the appearance that spring has sprung, and if they do I'm going to go out and stand in the river, rod in hand, fly on the water humming time is on my side.....yes it is.

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